Twisted Mix Tape Tuesday: Walking in High Cotton

So this week Jen over at My Skewed View asked us to:

Make a mix of songs that are completely from a genre or style of music that you don’t usually listen to. You know… 5 songs that you love anyway.   My original intent is for people to choose all 5 songs from one genre. But if that is too hard for you and you wanna be a baby about it don’t think you can do it, then mix-it-up, there will be demerits no repercussions.

As you already know if you’ve read my previous music posts, I generally despise R&B.  In fact, I despise it so much that I would be hard pressed to come up with 5 solid choices.  So I’m going back to my small town Florida roots this week and bringing you country!  Yes, you read that correctly.

Country music and I have an odd sort of relationship.  My parents didn’t listen to it, but that didn’t stop it from making its way into my childhood memories.  I remember sitting in the back of my Mema and Papa’s (doesn’t get any more country than that) Lincoln Town Car with the sounds of the old country crooners floating around (Twitty, Randy, Loretta).  I also lived in the middle of nowhere (here exactly), so a lot of my friends and the town’s folk dug country.  I was always the alt. rock, rebellious one and that meant condemning country music and all things associated with it.

Well, nostalgia does weird things to us.  So, here I sit giving you a list of country tunes I will always will jam to. Most of this list is (as is my country taste) firmly stuck in the past.  There isn’t much I like that makes it out of the 90s.   Yes, I know all the words.  Yes, I will only listen to these with the windows completely rolled up (lest anyone hear).  And yes, I detest myself a bit for liking them.

Walking in High Cotton

Any country list has to start with Cash.  Johnny Cash.  How do you pick just one?  If forced I’m going with:

Folsom Prison Blues

And then of course, Alabama.  I love too many jams by these boys to name.  I kept it to two:

Song of the South

Interesting fact about this one- Branford does May Day each year (where each class up to 6th grade does a dance on the football field….yes, for real).  Well the 5th grade dance to “Little Brown Jug” always started with them coming onto the field to this song:

Mountain Music

This song will get a full-hearted sing along from me every time!

Strawberry Wine- Deana Carter

And obviously:

Friends in Low Places- Garth Brooks

Because I had a dog named Jake growing up:

Feed Jake-Pirates of the Mississippi

A few more random goodies to close out this list….before I die of shame:

Seminole Wind- John Anderson

Neon Rainbow- Alan Jackson

One of the only current country acts I like.  I think part of it may be because he sounds so much like Kermit the Frog.  I love Kermit the Frog.

Melt- Rascal Flatts

Going to blast some rock and cleanse these ears!


Stay positive & love your life!



Listening to:Dirty Heads – Easy – Edited

Eating:  Arugula Salad

Drinking;  H2O

Random fact:  I don’t possess much of a country accent (due to suppressing it mostly), but anytime I visit home it starts to poke out around the edges a bit.

15 thoughts on “Twisted Mix Tape Tuesday: Walking in High Cotton

  1. I happen to know for a fact my wife knows all these songs. By heart. And will sing them at the drop of a hat. Any hat. Dropped anywhere.

  2. I actually enjoy country, as long as the redneck factor isn’t too much…

  3. HA! I completely relate to only listening with the windows rolled up! And yeah. Garth. I once tried to karaoke to that song. I was so bad that the DJ guy came up on stage with me to help me. Ha!

  4. Its so funny how many of us rockers went country and the shame of it all. Great choices!

  5. So if I had made this list it would have been basically all Johnny Cash and Alabama. So happy when I saw Song of the South. I started singing immediately “song, song of the south, sweet potato pie and shut my mouth” what does that mean anyway??
    This is a great list with way more variety than I could muster!

  6. I defy anyone to not like the ‘Friends in low Places’… and the other songs, the breadth of appeal is amazing (I am assuming that everyone has the good taste in music exhibited in this bloghop). enjoy Rascal Flatts, (I sometimes say, ‘some of the best mainstream rock is coming out of the country bands’.

  7. Friends in Low Places takes me back to university. The 24-hour diner in the residence building was called the Oasis – so we sang about it. ‘Nuf said.

    I haven’t heard Strawberry Wine in years and have always loved that song. As for Alabama – honestly wasn’t familiar (I tend to discover country music by accident, rather than with intent) – but loved the first one. And Johnny Cash, well! What’s not to love there? Thanks for expanding my country music knowledge!

    • You’re welcome. It feels so odd that I would be imparting any country knowledge to someone.
      Strawberry Wine is my ultimate go to for car sing alongs if I’m going country.

  8. Yep. Another vote for country. I am loving this. Many of us are in solidarity on this. 😉 I’m with you in that if it’s country, it pretty much has to be early country and who better than Johnny Cash. I would’ve picked Folsom too. Feed Jake! That is one of those sad, sad, cryin’ in your beer songs. Oh Lordy! Fun list.

Okay, your turn to talk!